Friday, January 07, 2011

First Eye Candy Friday for 2011...

...and I almost didn't have anythign to show! The garden is in it's full winter state...all the leaves are gone, no flowers, and it looks pretty bleak. My projects are all still WIPs, so nothing finished to show you.

I asked the Husband if we had anything to photograph and he said that there were a couple of things still alive in the garden.

First is an ornamental cabbage. We've had these in the garden before, but, hey, they're purple and it beats taking pictures of dead leaves!
Ornamental Cabbage

and a close up:

Ornamental Cabbage leaves

The second spot of color is a Moon Cactus, which apparently is a red cactus grafted onto a green cactus.

Moon Cactus

and from above:

Moon Cactus from above

There's something about winter that shuts down my picture-taking need...could it be the cold?? LOL! I'll try to be better about taking pictures during the week so I'm not scrambling on Friday morning to find something picture-worthy.

Up this weekend: Spin In!! Yay! Time to get back into the spinning groove.  I need to get my wheel cleaned up and find something to spin.  I'll probably spend a good deal of the weekend deconstructing Christmas and getting things packed away. If I have any spare cycles, I want to finish the layout of the teal quilt I have up on the wall.

Hmmm, I also need to get my recaps posted.

Don't forget about my 5th Blogiversary contest! Comment on this post to enter. There will be 5 winners of my Knit2 Sock Bag Pattern and one of those 5 will also win a Knit2 Sock bag made out of the Knitmare on Elm Street fabric [Ravelry picture]. Good luck!!

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Eye Candy Everyday...

 ...because I forgot on Friday. (Oops!) Our Marc Chagall rose doesn't know that it's January.